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How to Connect Arabic Letters and Download PDF Files

How to Connect Arabic Letters and Download PDF Files

Arabic letters, also known as hijaiyah, have different shapes and forms depending on their position in a word. Some letters can be connected to the previous and the next letter, while some others cannot. Learning how to connect Arabic letters is essential for reading and writing Arabic texts. In this article, we will explain the rules and examples of connecting Arabic letters and provide some links to download PDF files for practice.


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Rules of Connecting Arabic Letters

There are 28 Arabic letters in total, but not all of them can be connected in any position. There are six letters that have special rules for connecting, and they are alif (Ø), dal (Ø), dzal (Ø), ra (Ø), waw (Ù), and zay (Ø). Here are the rules for connecting these letters:

  • Alif (Ø) cannot be connected to any letter, neither at the beginning nor at the end of a word.

  • Dal (Ø) and dzal (Ø) can only be connected to the previous letter at the end of a word.

  • Ra (Ø) can only be connected to the previous letter at the end of a word or in the middle of a word if it has a sukun mark.

  • Waw (Ù) cannot be connected to the previous letter at the end of a word, but it can be connected to the next letter at the beginning of a word.

  • Zay (Ø) can only be connected to the previous letter at the end of a word or in the middle of a word.

The rest of the Arabic letters can be connected to both the previous and the next letter in any position. However, some letters may change their shape slightly when they are connected. For example, ba (Ø) has a dot below it when it is isolated or at the end of a word, but it has no dot when it is connected to the next letter at the beginning or in the middle of a word.

Examples of Connecting Arabic Letters

To illustrate how to connect Arabic letters, we will use some examples of common words and phrases in Arabic. We will write them in both isolated and connected forms, as well as their transliteration and translation in English.

Isolated FormConnected FormTransliterationTranslation

ØÙØÙم٠ØÙÙÙÙ ØÙØÙÙØÙمÙÙÙ ØÙØÙÙØÙÙمÙØØم ØÙÙÙ ØÙØØم٠ØÙØØÙمbismi Allahi al-rahmani al-rahimiIn the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

ØÙÙÙØÙمÙØÙ ÙÙÙÙÙÙÙ ØÙØÙÙ ØÙÙØÙØÙÙمÙÙÙÙØÙØÙ…Ø ÙÙÙ ØØ ØÙØØÙمÙÙal-hamdu lillahi rabbi al-alaminAll praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds

ØÙÙØÙÙÙØÙم٠ØÙÙÙÙÙÙÙم٠ÙÙØÙØÙمÙØÙ ØÙÙÙÙ ÙÙØÙØÙÙÙØتÙÙÙØÙØÙØم ØÙÙÙم ÙØØÙ…Ø ØÙÙÙ ÙØØÙØتÙassalamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuhuPeace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings



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